Peace of mind for your business’ staff

The insurance policy is taken out and paid for by the business on the lives of its directors and/or employees. The plan is placed into trust for the benefit of the Directors/employees family.
Relevant Life Plans are ideal for small companies that don’t employ enough eligible staff to justify a group life scheme and/or high salaried directors and employees who have large pension funds and don’t wish for their death-in-service benefits to be used against their lifetime pension allowance.
They are not considered to be a benefit in kind, as the contributions are paid by the company and the monies paid to fund the policy would usually be seen by HMRC as an expense for the business.

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What is a Relevant Life Plan used for?
RLP (Relevant Life Plans) provide life insurance cover that is considered a very tax efficient life insurance for company directors and their employees.
You may also be interested in tax efficient investment planning.

There are some restrictions on who can take out Relevant Life Plans, such as equity members or equity partners of a partnership of a Limited Liability Partnership or as sole traders. We recommend you seek professional advice in this area.
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