Protecting your company from the unforeseen

Should one of your company’s key employees suffer with a critical illness and become unable to work or even worse, die, have you considered how would this may effect your business? Business protection can help your company to carry on and offer peace of mind for any unexpected occurrence.
Possible solutions to help you would be critical illness cover, term assurance or perhaps a whole of life policy for any of your business partners.
See more information on life insurance.

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You may also want to consider a Share Protection policy as this can provide financial help for living partners to purchase their deceased partners share in the company, ensuring the stability of the overall business.
Planning yours and your employees financial security can very often become neglected or perhaps completely overlooked. Many business owners don’t have the time to consider their personal financial objectives, or the protection of their business. This is understandable, as we are very aware that running a thriving business takes dedication, time and a great deal of hard work.

Profitability is known to be affected during uncertain times. Therefore, it is vital to think about all possible scenarios, in the event of this happening within your business. You may also want to consider the possibility of this happening to a shareholder. This could make it very difficult to purchase their shares. There are various options you can take to act as a safeguard within your business, options you should carefully consider.

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Careful financial planning
Company directors tend to have incredibly complex personal financial affairs and it is essential that they look after them. Advice from a wealth management specialist will help you reach your financial goals, taking away much of the stress involved with your personal financial affairs, allowing you to focus your time and energy on running your company. Clarity Wealth Ltd will carefully plan for you, to ensure financial security for your future.