Plan for a brighter tomorrow

Financial Planning
Financial planning ventures much further than how much you earn or your assets. It focuses more on the changes you need to make today with consideration of your values and life goals in order to build you a much better future.
The bottom line is, it helps you to create a happy and truly fulfilled life, one with far less paperwork, less headache, hassle and stress, allowing you the freedom to concentrate on the things and people that matter to you the most.
Successful financial planning delivers security, confidence and allows you the freedom to live your life to the full. It allows you to illustrate your financial future with clarity.
Here at Clarity Wealth Limited we begin by taking a look at where you are right now, what you want and where you want to be in the future and discuss your attitude to risk. Then we will design a bespoke financial plan that will help you reach your goals.
The fundamental key to creating a great financial future, like most things in life, is planning. Planning your finances with your goals, needs and values can provide you with peace of mind that you are on the right path to reach your goals, leading to financial independence.
We’ll help you to make informed choices regarding your short-term goals, long-term needs and will advise you on such issues as:
- tax-efficient investing
- pensions
- how much you need to retire
- inheritance tax planning

As part of our financial planning process we utilise cash-flow modelling, which takes into consideration a variety of factors that can happen throughout your life which can affect your finances. This greatly helps us to build a solid financial plan detailing the impact of such events.
These life events may be in the shape of a market crash, your children’s university fees, selling your business and also your general retirement plans.
What makes us the right Financial Planning firm for you?
We provide nothing less than a first-class client relationship that will stand the test of time. With Clarity Wealth Limited there is no hard sell, we don’t hide behind jargon, or try to bamboozle you with complex products. We aim to treat our clients the way we would like to be treated ourselves. The best way for us to help you is for us to get to know you, understand your needs, and work in a partnership, to provide an all-round service tailored specifically to you. We are always a phone call away or available for a meeting at our offices in Horsforth. Our long-standing clients are a huge testament to doing things the correct way.
Please call us on 0113 258 6000 to book a free appointment

Financial Planning
Your Family’s Future
I want to protect my family financially for the future
We will discuss with you exactly what your financial goals are. This crucial information with then help us to create a bespoke financial plan for you, one that will help you reach your goals. If you are looking for a financial adviser to provide you with expert advice on the best way to cover the cost of your children’s future education or perhaps the cost of a family member’s long-term care, we are here to help. We will also factor in the most tax-efficient way of passing on wealth.
Ensuring that there is enough to pass on your wealth whilst covering the costs of your family’s future can be 2 of the most crucial elements of the financial planning process. Whether you are looking for advice on how to prepare for a loved one’s long-term care or planning for your children’s university fees or generally looking to preserve your wealth for your family, we are here to help you.
Initially, we will put in place a financial plan to help you to reach financial independence for yourself, if you don’t already have this, with further advice given on:
- Helping your children get onto the property ladder
- The best time to factor in future school and university fees
- Cost-effective ways to pass down wealth
- Divorce and how it would affect your assets
- Life insurance
We will also factor in a multitude of allowances into your financial plan, to allow for possible future lifestyle changes. This is to make sure that your investment portfolio is flexible enough to handle such events.

Financial Planning For the unexpected
Can I plan for the unexpected?
Yes, our financial planning service will help you to do just that. We will build a financial plan that is tailored to help you financially deal with the unplanned. Should such an unexpected situation happen, Clarity Wealth limited have the expertise and knowledge to aid you in putting a financially effective strategy in place. Our team will help you prepare for any eventuality.
When can I become financially independent?
The majority of people live very busy lives in busy roles each day, many of which fail to look beyond tomorrow.
It is crucial that you take a step back every now and again and think about exactly what you want to get out of your life further down the road. Can your earnings and savings be utilised in a better way to enable you to achieve this goal quicker?
Clarity Wealth limited will help you to understand when you could reach financial independence by looking into exactly how much you want to spend now and later on in life. There may be a variety of complexities that all need to be taken into account, such as the funding of long-term care, helping your children buy their first property or changes to inflation which may impact the overall value of your wealth.
The impact of self-funding long-term care on your finances
The cost of care is ever increasing. Government legislation is also constantly subject to change and the fact that people are living longer each year means that it has never been more important to consider the costs of funding long-term care and factoring it into your financial plan. Having a solid long-term care plan set in place to cover all of our healthcare and social needs in the future is more important as we get older, so the earlier we can plan for it, the better.
Exactly how to fund care in the future in a way that also protects you and your family in later years may well be a concern in the back of your mind as you get closer to retirement. Perhaps you want to save and make allowances for long-term care, both for you and your partner, or perhaps another loved one.

Our experienced and friendly Financial Planning team are here to help you achieve your goals for life in retirement. They will take time to get to know you; then help you to identify what we need to do with your finances in order for you to meet these targets.
Our aim is to provide you with peace of mind and the security that comes from knowing that you have the solutions in place to meet your goals.
Clarity Wealth Limited provides private clients with a variety of financial services. It is through our experience, flexibility and independence that we have been able to grow our business from personal recommendations from our private clients and the advocacy of Professional Partners.
Don’t just take our word for it, please see our client reviews
Right from the outset of any new client relationship, our team of Wealth Managers will spend time reviewing their full financial position and lifestyle requirements. This is designed to clarify client goals, in the short-term, medium-term and long-term and to explore their attitude to risk. We will also stress test your financial plans to ensure we have a contingency plan in place also. Usually, this will cover areas such as pension requirements, family protection, estate planning and savings and investments.
We utilise the most up to date financial planning software to manage funds, assets and market information to provide suitable clients with access to online personal portfolio and performance data.
Why you should consider using our financial planning services
Financial advice is not a service only needed by the very rich, it is beneficial for everyone. It can assist you in getting the most out of you investments and help you protect and build your assets in order to secure the long-term future of you and your family.
There are endless life insurance products on the market; with the help of our advisers we can tell you which ones are worth buying. They will determine your position and guide you through the best options to protect yourself and your family – whether you are single or married, have a young family, or are approaching retirement.
You are going to need to build up some assets in order to secure your long term future – at the beginning to get you through the rainy days and then to fund holidays and luxuries. Step one is to plan your spending so that you start to save, and step two is to plan that saving so that you can build your wealth as efficiently as possible. Regardless of the amount, a financial adviser can look at your personal situation and find the best starting point for you.
Once your short term saving needs have been addressed, you can start focusing on the long term. Most people these days realise that they won’t be able to rely on the state for more than the absolute basics. Planning for retirement is a complex business, and there are numerous options available. A financial adviser will not only help sift through the many rules and product options but help create a portfolio to maximise your long term prospects.
The mortgage market has always been complicated, but after the credit crunch they have got worse, with mortgages more complex than ever and lenders’ requirements more stringent. Buying a house is one of the most expensive purchases we make and the vast majority of us will require a mortgage. Using a financial adviser could save you thousands, especially at times like this. Not only can they uncover the best rates, they can help you determine sensible levels of borrowing, make the most of your deposit, and might also find lenders who would otherwise not be available to you.
As you advance through life and your assets and income begin to increase, you can start contemplating how to enhance your position rather than simply consolidate it. This may mean anything from looking to retire early to paying private school fees. Whatever your goal, a financial adviser can help assess what is realistically possible and work out a plan with you to help you achieve it.
Investment is as much about shielding against potential downsides as it is about aiming for maximum growth. High returns often come with high risk and not everyone is comfortable with the idea that their investment could fall by a third or more overnight! A financial adviser will generate an in depth assessment of your stance to risk before making recommendations. They will also ensure you arent putting all your eggs in one basket by ensuring you diversify not only across asset classes but also across accounts, individual funds and product providers.
For every new investment opportunity or product it is likely accompanied by a certain amount of hype but that doesn’t automatically mean it is right for you. Investors will always be caught out by market ‘bubbles’ or high charges because they rush impulsively in. A financial adviser knows how each product works in varying markets and can identify any possible downsides for you as well as the potential benefits, so that you are then able to make an informed decision about where you should invest.
Once we have established your risk and investment assessments, the next step is to look at tax; even the most basic examination of your position could help. It may simply mean using Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) or a pension plan to benefit from government incentives or opting for growth focussed assets over income to maximise capital gains allowances versus paying income tax. For more complicated arrangements, it may mean moving assets to your spouse or children to take advantage of their personal allowances instead. Our Financial Planning team will always have your tax position at the forefront of their mind when making any recommendations and point you in the right direction even in complicated situations.
Even when your investments are all put in place and are running to plan, they need to be monitored in case market developments or abnormal events force them off course. You can ask your financial advisers to keep a cautious eye on your investments. They can assess how they are performing against their peers, ensure that your asset allocation does not become distorted as markets fluctuate and help you consolidate gains as the deadlines for your ultimate goals move closer.
Money is a complicated subject and there is a lot to take into consideration to keep it safe whilst also making the most of it. Markets are volatile and the media have always been prone to exaggerate the risks and rewards. To steer you in the right direction it is vital you employ a good financial adviser who can filter through the hype. Whether you just require general, practical advice or a specialist with dedicated expertise, you could find that in the long term the money you invest in expert advice will be paid back many times over.
Investment Planning
Clarity Wealth Limited are a team of independent Financial Planners who will look at what your goals are, the length of your investment and how much risk you want to take. Our advice is bespoke to your personal circumstances, allowing us to recommend the best investments for you. Investments that will make your money work as hard as possible for you.
Retirement Planning & Pensions
Clarity Wealth Limited have vast experience and knowledge in retirement planning & pension advice. Whether you are looking to set up your first plan, or you have already reached your retirement and want to learn more about the wide range of options available to you in terms of drawing your pension.
Business & Protection
Do you own your own business? Have you ever thought what might happen if a key employee or if you became ill and were unable to work? What would happen if you or a key employee died? Clarity Wealth’s business protection expertise can make sure your company will continue to operate, should it face such challenges.
Services Clarity Wealth Limited Provide
a small glimpse in to what we can do for you

Cash Flow Modelling
A cash flow model is only as good as the information available and it must be kept updated with any changes to your circumstances.

Business Protection
Possible solutions to help protect your business are critical illness cover, term assurance or perhaps a whole of life policy for or any of your business partners.

Pensions Review
A pensions review is where we analyse in detail all of your pensions. This includes the existing investments, costs, risk rating, investment performance and anything else that is relevant to the specific policy or scheme. This is vital to allow us to help you work towards your financial dreams and goals.

Offshore Investments
Holding money offshore is common practice and perfectly legitimate, if you have a pension fund then it’s likely that you already hold some offshore investments in it.

Life Insurance
Life insurance pays out a lump sum to who you specify, should you pass away during the term of the policy.